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Tri-Village Baseball

Tri-Village Baseball

Division Descriptions

DivisionPrimary Age GroupSchool GradeDescription
Youth4,5,6Pre-K, KPlayers hit a safety (soft) baseball from a batting tee
Juniors6,71st GradeMachine Pitch
Farm7,82nd and 3rd GradeIntro to Player Pitch / Coach Pitch
Intermediate9,103rd and 4th GradePlayer Pitch
Majors11,125th and 6th GradeLeague's most competitive level of baseball
Challenger                4-18                                                       All Grades                                       The Challenger baseball program is designed for the needs of children that live with physical and mental disabilities for players ages 4-18, or up to age 22 if still enrolled in school.

Youth League

2025 Fee: $135 

Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, hat

Equipment Needed: Batting Helmet, Glove, Bat (USA Bat Standard)

Optional Equipment: Baseball Pants, Cleats,

This developmental, non-competitive level of baseball is for all players who are "Cal Ripken Baseball age 4, 5 or 6" or born in May 2017 or later & are enrolled in PreK or Kindergarten. Parents are asked to not leave players unattended at practice or games. Players are hitting a soft baseball from a batting tee before Memorial Day and coach pitch after.

·        Teams are formed by the League primarily based on registration date & school area.

·        Games are typically three or four innings (no longer than an hour)

·        Teams typically have two games per week with short practice time prior to each game.  The first two weeks of the season the teams will have            one weekday practice and one Saturday game.

·        Games are played at Magee Park or Elm Ave Town Park

·        Equal playing time for all participants

·        Season is approximately 8 weeks with 16games/practices

·        Season Dates: 04/8/2024 to 06/15/2024

Juniors League

2025 Fee: $135.00

Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, Hat, catchers equipment

Equipment Needed: Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet, Bat (USA Bat Standard)

Optional Equipment: Baseball Pants, Cleats, protective cup

This developmental, non-competitive level of baseball is primarily made up of 1st graders. Playing out of grade level requires player activity director approval. Players hit a soft baseball pitched from a machine (a tee is used if the player does not hit the ball into play after five pitches). Three outs per inning OR five runs.

·        Teams are formed by the League primarily based on registration date and school area (teams can be a mix of schools, depending
 on numbers)

·        Teams typically have two games per week with short practice time prior to each game.  The first two weeks of the season the teams will have            one weekday practice and one Saturday game.

·        All games are played Magee Park Juniors Field.

·        Equal playing time for all participants

·        Season Dates: 04/8/2024 to 06/15/2024

Farm League 

2025 Fee: $135.00

Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, Hat, Socks

Equipment Needed: Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet, Bat (USA Bat Standard), Protective Cup

Developmental, noncompetitive, baseball format primarily made up of 2nd graders with some 3rd graders.  Season is played with a combination of coach pitch and an introduction of player pitch. 

·        Teams are formed by the League primarily based on school area, other criteria include: coach requests, buddy requests and age balance.
         Early registrants are given priority for school/coach/buddy requests.

·        Teams typically have two games per week with short practice time prior to each game.  The first two weeks of the season the teams will have            one weekday practice and one Saturday game.

·        All games are played Magee Park Farm Field.

·        Equal playing time for all participants

·        Season Dates: 04/8/2024 to 06/15/2024

Intermediate  League 

2025 Fee: $135.00

Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, Hat, Socks

Equipment Needed: Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet, Bat (USA Bat Standard), Protective Cup

Player Evaluations: Saturday March 15th

Developmental, competitive level of baseball consisting primarily of 3rd and 4th graders. Players are placed onto teams via draft, following evaluations.

· All players entering the Intermediate League required to participate in a player evaluation (fielding, catching, pitching and hitting) prior to the
        player draft

·  Draft goal is balanced teams

·  Teams typically have two games per week

·  Games primarily played Magee Park Intermediate Field

·  No player sits out more than two innings per game or two consecutive innings

·  This division offers playoff at the end of the season

Majors League 

2025 Fee: $135.00

Equipment Provided by League: Jersey, Hat, Socks

Equipment Needed: Glove, Cleats, Batting Helmet, Bat (USA Bat Standard), Protective Cup

Player Evaluations: Saturday March 8th

Tri-Village's most competitive level of baseball consisting primarily of 5th, 6th and some 7th graders. Players are placed onto teams via draft after player evaluations.

·        Players entering the Majors League required to participate in a player evaluation (fielding, catching, pitching and hitting) prior to the
         player draft 

·        Draft goal is balanced teams

·        Teams typically have two games per week

·        This is the most competitive level of traditional Baseball

·        Games primarily played Magee Park - Majors Field

·  This division offers playoff at the end of the season


Tri-Village Baseball
14 Kenwood Ave 
Glenmont, New York 12077

Phone: 518-312-6153
Email: [email protected]

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